Saturday, 10 April 2010

Hey Oscar, Or Not

I totally got given the same award

Hanku B and Goochy (I wish I could give this back to you two!!)

I like getting a sunshine award
cos I try and be a happy person/blogger/writer
and thus bring sunshine into people's lives.

What a lovely circuit :)

Here are 5 blogs that I just can't wait to read each and every day:

Mlle because Milly writes so frankly about style. I love her honesty, her balance and how she writes about fashion on her own terms instead of copied out from her favourite magazines.

Cycle Chic From Copenhagen - as a girl who rides her bike everywhere no matter whether it's sunny or snowy this blog is like my mecca! You can look so good on a bike and these guys and gals are the living proof of that.

LA Cycle Chic may be a bit repetitive but sun + cruise cycles are for the epitome of cool. Since I'm considering moving to LA it is kinda awesome to see people still ride bikes in America!! Add onto that beautiful scenery and we have a sunshine blog.

Spanky Luvs It - so many people already luv this blog. It's a truly happy, real and beautiful place so if you aren't already a follower might I suggest you are? It will make you smile - guaranteed.

The Vintage Valley is a beautiful blog, full of beautiful styling, beautiful photography and created by a beautiful blogger! There is nothing not to enjoy because this is visually sumptuous.

I hope they bring sunshine to your lives too!

With Love, Beau xx


  1. Well done missy :)
    PLEASE give me a ring soon!!!

  2. AHHHH!
    I love you SO. SO. Much, full stop.
    Seriously :) Thank you ever so much for saying what you did missus. Do I get the smiley award then? lol.

    I feel like buying you a present.. x
