Sunday 31 January 2010

'you said we wouldn't be apart'

Bub and I nearly broke up.

I say that meaning that we fought bad
but really we never came close to breaking up.

He does this adorable thing
where he says he's gonna leave,
and looks like he's gonna,
and starts to walk away.

But then he holds me,
or he squeezes my hand,
because he really cannot bear
to see me that upset,
clutching myself like I'm falling apart.

So we fight it out,
fall into a strange confused silence,
and I don't know what to do.
I don't even beg.

I don't think i'm crazy when I say we're perfect.
Because even though we fight,
the reason our fights are so passionate, needy, hungry
is that we're hunting for a solution.
They come from love not hate.

He never does walk away.

With Love, Beau xx

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